Rektori i UT, Vullnet Ameti ngushëllon ambasadoren e SHBA, Kate Marie Byrnes

Letter of CondolenceWe received with great sadness and heartfelt sorrow the news about the passing of General Colin Powell. On behalf of the University of Tetova’s academic community and our students we extend our heartfelt sympathies and deepest condolences to the Powell family, and to the American people. General Powell was undoubtedly a gentleman of extraordinary substance, integrity and character, a true American hero, who will always be remembered for his contribution to ensuring peace, coexistence and tolerance. His contribution towards peace in the Balkans and the region’s integration into NATO bore his signature. His legacy will always be remembered by all the peace-loving people!May his memory be eternal!Sincerely,Prof. Dr. Vullnet Ameti, Rector.

Në emër të akademikeve, stafit të Universitetit të Tetovës dhe studentëve tanë, ne shprehim ngushëllimet tona të sinqerta dhe ngushëllimet më të thella familjes Powell, dhe popullit amerikan.

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